Monday 24 October 2011

How to Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

!±8± How to Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a device the size of a laptop, used to beat for medical emergencies, including cardiac arrest or, if the heart stops. Sometimes, if the victim is in cardiac arrest, the heart begins to experience an irregular tremor caused by chaotic electrical activity of heart cells.

This tremor is called ventricular fibrillation or V Fib shortly. V. Fib is shocking the heart controlled electric shock. This worksbecause the heart muscle cells contain electricity. The AED is used for the heart that is a shock to V Fib normal heart rhythm.

Studies show that if an AED is used within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest, the victim improves survival by about 70%. So, you want the AED as soon as they are available for use.

With the AED:

Once the AED to the vicitm of the page -

1: the AED. Do this by pressing the fade on / off button or lift the lidthe unit.

2: Follow the prompts exactly as directed. The device will instruct you to place the electrode pads on the bare skin of the victim. One of the pads are to be placed on the right upper chest of the victim, while the second pad is to be placed just under the left chest.

3: Once the pads are placed on the bare chese of the victim, you may be required to insert the pad connector to the AED. Some AEDs already have the pads preconnected to them.

4: Next you must make sure that no one (including yourself) is touching the victim. The machine will prompt that it is "analyzing." During the analysis, all CPR efforts must be paused in order for the AED to evaluate if the victim's heart is experiencing V Fib and can therefore be treated with a shock. This is one of the 2 time you must "clear" the victim of all bystander contact.

5: If the AED prompts that a shock is indicated, then you must "clear" the victim a second time ensuring that you or no bystanders are not in contact with the victim. If someone is touching the victim while the AED is delivering the shock, the bystander can experience a shock as well which can even render them unconscious. Once you see that victim is "clear," you must then press the "shock" button to deliver a shock. Fully automated AEDs will deliver the shock automatically.

6: Immediately after administering the shock, the defibrillator will instruct you to resume CPR. You must not remove the pads or turn off the unit at this time. Simply leave the pads on the victim's chest, leave the AED on and resume CPR beginning with chest compressions.

Some of the new AED models have the CPR coaching feature which guides the rescuer in the CPR process.

AEDs are very simple to use as long as the instructions are followed completely. The information in this article does not substitute a CPR/AED course in which training is performed in its entirety. This information is provided solely as a reference to Supplement CPR / AED training.

How to Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

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Tuesday 18 October 2011

Philips HeartStart Home Automated External Defibrillator Battery

!±8± Philips HeartStart Home Automated External Defibrillator Battery

Rate : | Price : $121.99 | Post Date : Oct 18, 2011 20:34:05
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This long life lithium battery lasts approximately 4 years, does not require recharging, and can be easily installed in HeartStart by popping it in the back panel. The "Install by" date is printed on the battery for easy reference. Because HeartStart runs daily self-tests, it will prompt you to replace the battery when necessary.

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Thursday 6 October 2011

2010 new CPR guidelines - What You Need To Know

!±8± 2010 new CPR guidelines - What You Need To Know

For a long time, the "Good Samaritan Act" has forgotten to save lives strong. As more people suffer from sudden cardiac arrest, there are few spectators who like to be able to take the risk and save lives. To this end, we feel the AHA and the American Heart Association, the need to simplify the long and revised guideline ABC CPR.

If the time before you always follow the traditional sequence of ABC or airway, breathing, circulation, hasstate, cabinet chest compressions, airway management changed breathing. According to the AHA, are just a few minutes lost while they are great to give the traditional sequence of hesitation to revive ABC or the lack of adequate training and knowledge of how to correctly perform CPR procedures. Remember, the latter are of great importance when it comes to CPR, can mean wasting 10-15 seconds, the irreversible death.

To add this new approach the CPR, it is recommended that chest compressions when the startVictim is, do not react with air or breath. Compared to the traditional technology of ABC, the new cabinet is not a single moment is when the first cycle of chest compressions given immediately after airway, breathing losing speeches. The state of the AHA on the subject is actually much more practical and cheaper than one no longer has to worry about how you give the right to open the airway of the victim or as complicated as you breathe fully. So expect more and more people are nowPractice the "Good Samaritan Act" and not as insecure support for the victims.

After significant changes in new CPR guidelines, the algorithm "Look, Listen and Feel" was also removed. According to the AHA, this algorithm is so obsolete that takes time and wastes a considerable effort to revive the patient. Instead of the wrist of the victim, find the most health professionals is very difficult and delicate, full CPR should be started with 30 compressions insteadgive two ventilation. This act offers the shortest delay and full support for the heart. However, it should be noted that an appropriate coordination must always be best used, call the paramedics as soon as possible, should be initiated.

AED devices to be used in accordance with this new line of CPR guidelines. If an AED is on the field, you should make use of it to employ high-quality resuscitation away from the very subjective "hands-on" CPR. AEDvery objective and give the maximum benefit to name all the time not to know that they are also useful guide for respondents with no experience.

There is also a new rule regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The 1 1 / 2 inches 2 inches deep rule was changed. AHA also pointed to the correct positioning of the hand, and if the chest compressions and minimize any delay or breakdown. These changes are made to give the victims of high-quality chest compressions that are effective andsimple.

With this new 2010 CPR guidelines, certain, that to save lives now serve more humane and legally. Today does not think long before several life-saving techniques such as the process has become simple and straightforward. With the help of new high-tech life-saving devices such as AEDs and the simplified version of CPR, more lives will be simple and effective. Saving lives should never be complicated, but simple and effective,With the new CPR guidelines.

2010 new CPR guidelines - What You Need To Know

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Saturday 1 October 2011

Red Cross CPR Training Program at a Glance

!±8± Red Cross CPR Training Program at a Glance

This article provides an overview of the American Red Cross CPR training programs that are available in various places, including San Diego and Imperial counties, including online channels. It is stated that the CPR and first aid training for the Red Cross has several advantages including the reasonable costs, comfort and consistency of courses in various U.S. locations. The courses are complete, when it comes to emergency planning, because not onlyinclude cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques, but also training in automated external defibrillator (AED), first aid, community disaster education and pathogens. In addition, American Red Cross CPR training programs developed by experts and led by certified trainers.

The Red Cross also offers CPR training on-line and this is known as Blended Learning First Aid / CPR / AED program. In this program the first part of the training takes place online. Insecond part of the program go to students at the training room and a certified instructor provides practical training for participants. One of the main advantages of this type of training program of the Red Cross CPR students work on lessons at their own pace until you reach the second part of the program. Participants may also decide to take a shortcut of online courses and test the lessons.

Meanwhile, an important element that the participants of the emergencyPrograms to prepare for disaster supplies kit that every home and office needs. Kit components can in six basic categories and these are food, water, first aid kit, clothing and bedding, emergency supplies, tools and special items to be divided. Some of the basic components of the first aid kit are bandages, triangular bandages, band aids, sterile gauze, gauze, alcohol-based hand disinfectants, adhesive, cohesive bandages, antiseptic wipes,antibacterial ointment, tweezers, cold pack, scissors, non-latex gloves and a CPR breathing barrier. The food supply should be for three days or more, and this should not be perishable food, baby food, vitamins, foods high in energy, basic food products, canned fruit juices, canned foods and convenience .

Red Cross CPR training is important in case of emergency, because the CPR is a procedure in which save the lives of those who went into cardiac arrest. In this state, no oxygen-rich bloodAvailable for the brain and cause brain damage within four minutes. After six minutes, the victim may already be dead. As emergency services will probably need a longer time to reach the person is needed CPR to win him or her time before help arrives. Meanwhile, for homes and offices are equipped with the AED, the Red Cross offered to mediate important, how to use this device to interrupt the arrhythmia in the victim. AED is used when the heart is still active, butpulseless ventricular fibrillation o. If there is no cardiac activity, can not use the AED and CPR should be used first for a shockable rhythm, the AED can be successfully established.

Red Cross CPR Training Program at a Glance

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Sunday 25 September 2011

AED: learn to be more effective and easier than CPR

!±8± AED: learn to be more effective and easier than CPR

For decades, when someone's heart stops beating, CPR has been the standard form and most effective first aid. CPR is taught in classrooms and community centers all over the world, driven largely by the American Red Cross, who urges all Americans to prosper in the methods and techniques to give CPR certification. However, new technologies and more convenient is now considered by many to be simpler and more effective CPR. An Automated External Defibrillator, which is often consideredAED can be a much more powerful tool to save lives. Impressive is an AED defibrillation significantly faster than CPR, even for someone without training.

AEDs are lightweight, portable devices that allow you to start the heart of a victim by an electrical pulse called a biphasic shock. Guide the rescuer with a combination of simple and clear language, text and graphical instructions, AEDs do nearly all the work, so that virtually all save a life!

UnlikeCPR, which can easily happen to be wrong, too slow or too shallow compressions, so that the heart is left intact and run them through the commitment of not exactly new, it is easy to use an AED can actually restart the heart with the touch of a button. Using the same technology as the emergency room, operating rooms and doctors 'surgeries' around the world has found an AED can help you not only can an individual suffering from cardiac arrest to a doctor, have literallysave their lives. Phillips, customs and other companies making it very portable HeartSine defibrillators, which are surprisingly affordable, and refurbished models are often less than $ 1,000, according to a website resource Heart Start AED />.

CPR is generally carrying a lot more complex than it seems. Training and refresher courses are incredibly important to ensure that not only follow the movements of the CPR in the correct method and speed, but alsoknow the right time to perform CPR. Many antiepileptic drugs, however, use sophisticated software, simple voice commands to analyze a patient and the operator how to start a new heart. These AED devices are located at airports, schools, public spaces and private homes across the country and offers an advanced option, in case of emergency requiring resuscitation.

Many people do not have the strength or stamina to properly perform CPR, as the business takes a lotEnergy to function properly in order to obtain the best results. In addition, you may need CPR for a longer time, depending on where the victim is as simple and accessible to emergency medical personnel to perform. On the contrary, people of all forces DAE, since it requires only pressing a button at the heart back to life with a shocking shock stimulation. Usually it takes only one or perhaps twoShock to the heart, so that the victim's heart to answer correctly, so that the individual steps of the defibrillator with other medical activities that my be needed.

While they are becoming more common, you are an AED present in almost every public place. However, you should still make sure you know the right methods associated with CPR, if you help someone and not be able to request access to an AED.

AED: learn to be more effective and easier than CPR

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Sunday 18 September 2011

Anyone can save a life with an AED

!±8± Anyone can save a life with an AED

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) are becoming increasingly popular in schools, airports and public buildings across the country. These amazing devices have many lives that otherwise would be simply because time is critical when it comes to heart problems saved are lost. Though emergency crews to respond quickly with an AED available allows an individual suffering from a heart attack or other heart problems problem to survive untilrescuers arrive. The use of an AED to save someone has the power of life!

After starting an information site for the Heart, automated external defibrillators are lightweight, portable devices that allow you to start the heart of a victim by an electrical pulse called a biphasic shock. Guide the rescuer with a combination of simple and clear language, text and graphical instructions, AEDs do nearly all the work, so that virtually all save a life!

During the training seminarsto introduce methods for their use of an AED, AEDs provide voice and many are virtually foolproof. In fact, research suggests that the growth AED is easier to use and often more effective than CPR! However, it is recommended that in all probability be used to complete a course for AED defibrillators so that they know the device works.

AED has catapulted the popularity of this piece of bailout funds from the dark, every day. Businesssuch as customs, the Welch Allyn AED affordable and Phillips, introduced the now even more practical for home use., for example, the Phillips HeartStart contributes to a competitive $ 1,295, while the advanced Zoll AED Plus is only $ 1,695. It 'amazing that a small investment can help save a life, maybe even your own! A growing number of funding programs for public access defibrillators for places such as schools and government buildings created the fund.

Many livesIt was thanks to this fantastic Automated External Defibrillator saved in a variety of public places. Of young athletes with undiagnosed heart problems, suffering a heart attack while participating in their favorite sport for people who suffer a heart attack at his local mall or airport, AED excellent piece of technology that can literally the choice between life and death. If you can consider purchasing an AED for your home or office. Alsoconsider learning the correct methods for using an AED in an emergency.

Anyone can save a life with an AED

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Defibrillator Training

!±8± Defibrillator Training

Sophisticated medical equipment requires skilled personnel for operation. In the case of life-saving equipment such as defibrillators, it is more important for people with such devices to become proficient with them. Everyone can learn from the shock that could save a life to give. The most realistic CPR-Defibrillator training is the one offering the best trained responders. The use of external defibrillators is taught Advanced Cardiac Life SupportCourses. Trained non-medical personnel can then use these electronic machines, a person treated with cardiac arrest

The American Heart Association AED training is specialized training provider, with more than 250,000 each year. American Red Cross trains every year more than 8.5 million people in important life-saving skills, including AED, CPR and first aid. Medic First Aid International to get in touch with a local CPR and defibrillator training to meet the instructors. They are easy to use,Low-stress approach to training. This will give trainees confidence to respond in case of emergency. The training programs are constantly updated to meet the latest standards and techniques.

Some companies help responders learn to use automated external defibrillators. They simulate a sudden cardiac arrest episodes for an extremely realistic training experience. This ensures that coaches are prepared when sudden cardiac arrest strikes. Trainer 2 is pre-configured with 10realistic training scenarios that were developed in accordance with internationally recognized emergency responder training programs. For added flexibility, instructors can also design and configure three custom scenarios using the optional programming kit.

Philips HeartStart Trainer, CPR and first aid instructor allows students with awareness of HeartStart Defibrillators, and how you use it to save lives. Some trainers simulate the defibrillators will work as part of a real lifesudden cardiac arrest event. Certainly, the confidence to follow simple instructions both voice and eight pre-configured scenarios for training easy and rewarding.

It 'important that the rescue workers at these prices, well trained and thoroughly examined for their assimilation, before it is as a coach.

Defibrillator Training

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Thursday 8 September 2011

Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator (AED)

!±8± Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator (AED)

Brand : Philips Medical Systems | Rate : | Price : $1,199.00
Post Date : Sep 08, 2011 11:42:14 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Please Note: There will be a 0 re-stocking fee on all returns of this item.
Used to treat victims of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), who are not responsive and not breathing normally. If in doubt apply the pads. Treats the most common cause of SCA by delivering a shock to the heart. Use HeartStart and CPR, as needed, until emergency professionals arrive.
Easy To Use - Guides you with interactive voice prompts
Safe - Delivers a shock only if needed
Reliable - Runs daily self-tests for readiness
Important: With sudden cardiac arrest, every minute counts. Make sure your HeartStart Home Defibrillator is set up and ready for use in an emergency.
"Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator (an automated external defibrillator or AED)"
Red carry case with 911/EMS card
Adult SMART Pads cartridge (lasts 2 years)**
Battery (lasts 4 years)***
Training video
5-year warranty
Facts you need to know about adult SCA:
For the best chance of survival, a defibrillator should be applied within 5 minutes.
Less than 5% of SCA victims survive. This is largely because defibrillators don't reach them in time.
Nearly 80% of all SCA's occur at home.
HeartStart user considerations:
You cannot use the HeartStart to treat yourself.
Users may need to perform CPR.
Responding to cardiac arrest may require you to kneel.
Voice instructions and enclosed materials are in English*.
HeartStart provides audible and visible indicators if the device requires maintenance.
If you have concerns about your health or an existing medical condition, talk to your doctor. A defibrillator is not a replacement for seeking medical advice.
Who should own a HeartStart?
Anyone who wants to be prepared.
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death in the U.S. The majority of victims have no previously recognized symptoms of heart disease - SCA typically strikes without warning.
A defibrillator will not

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